
20+ Basketball Dribbling Drills To Up Your Game

By Abhay Acharya / 9 January 2024 07:56 AM

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Elevate your basketball prowess with dynamic dribbling drills to transform your on-court finesse.

Mastering these skills is essential for players seeking an edge in maneuverability, ball control, and overall game performance. From stationary precision to high-speed crossovers, these drills systematically enhance your command over the basketball.

Embrace the challenge of figure 8 patterns, spider dribbles, and relentless pound dribbles, ensuring a well-rounded mastery of the ball.

Whether you're a seasoned player or honing your craft, these basketball drills promise to escalate your game, refining your agility, coordination, and strategic control.

1. Ball Slaps

Source : online-basketball-drills

Ball Slaps Basketball Dribbling Drills are a dynamic and engaging training method designed to elevate your basketball skills.

These drills focus on enhancing your ball-handling prowess, promoting precision, and improving overall court control.

The exercises involve rhythmic ball slaps, where you alternate slapping the basketball with both hands while maintaining a controlled dribble.

Ball Slaps provide a fun and effective way to master the art of dribbling, making you more adept at maneuvering around defenders.

2. Pound Dribbles

Source : tobys

Pound dribbles are an essential basketball drill designed to enhance ball-handling skills and improve overall control.

The primary goal of pound dribbles is to develop a player's ability to maintain possession under pressure while ensuring a quick and responsive ball return.

By incorporating this drill into regular training sessions, athletes cultivate a heightened sense of touch and precision with the basketball alongside strengthened forearms and wrists.

3. Figure 8 Dribbling

Source : online-basketball-drills

The Figure 8 dribble is a deceptively simple drill that packs a powerful punch for your ball-handling skills.

To do the figure 8 dribble, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the ball in your right hand. Dribble the ball around your right leg, then between your legs to your left hand.

Dribble the ball around your left leg, then between your legs back to your right hand. Continue dribbling in this figure 8 pattern, keeping your head up and your eyes on the ball.

4. Cone Dribbling

Source : online-basketball-drills

Cone dribbling is a fundamental basketball drill designed to enhance ball-handling skills and agility on the court.

This exercise involves strategically placing cones in a straight line and navigating the basketball through them with precision.

As players dribble through the cones, they develop a heightened sense of control, honing their ability to maneuver the ball in tight spaces.

In addition, weaving in and out of cones helps you develop quick feet and change of direction.

5. Between the Legs

Source : wikihow

Between the legs dribble is a fundamental basketball move that can help you beat defenders, create space, and improve your overall ball handling.

It involves dribbling the ball between your legs from one hand to the other while maintaining your balance and control.

Dribbling between your legs forces you to focus on hand-eye coordination and fingertip control, which will improve your overall dribbling skills.

6. Behind The Back Catch Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

The Behind the Back Catch drill is deceptively simple move that hones your hand-eye coordination, agility, and ball control, leaving defenders scrambling.

To execute the drill, start with the ball held behind your head with both hands and drop the ball down your back. Keep your knees slightly bent and core engaged for stability.

Following that, swiftly reach behind your back with both hands, catching the ball cleanly.

7. Up and Back Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

The Up and Back Drill is a classic basketball dribbling drill that's simple to set up yet highly effective for improving your ball handling, footwork, and agility.

Here, athletes start at the baseline, dribble the ball up the court with controlled crossovers and quick footwork, and then swiftly transition into a backward dribble on the way back.

The key is maintaining a low and athletic stance to facilitate rapid changes in direction, avoiding penalties or fouls.

8. Weak Hand Dribbling

Source : functionalbasketballcoaching

Weak hand dribbling drill serves as the cornerstone of enhancing ball-handling abilities with the non-dominant hand, fostering a more versatile and unpredictable playing style.

To get started, dribble the ball low with your weak hand, focusing on fingertip control and maintaining a steady rhythm.

Elevate the difficulty by dribbling in and out of cones or chairs, working on agility and changing direction quickly with your weak hand.

9. Spider Dribble

Source : online-basketball-drills

The spider dribble is a fundamental basketball dribbling drill that can help players of all levels improve their ball handling, hand-eye coordination, and footwork.

The basic spider dribble involves dribbling the ball in front of your body, then alternating between dribbling behind your back and between your legs.

Keep your legs shoulder-width apart for stability and focus on maintaining a low, rhythmic dribble.

As you gain confidence, gradually increase the speed and complexity of your movements.

10. Two-Ball Dribbling

Source : online-basketball-drills

Two-Ball Dribbling is a dynamic basketball drill designed to enhance ball-handling skills by incorporating the use of two basketballs simultaneously.

This challenging exercise not only improves hand coordination but also sharpens your ability to control the ball with both hands.

Dribbble one ball in each hand, keeping your head up and maintaining a balanced stance. Practice bouncing both at the same height, then alternating hands.

11. Two-Ball Ladder Drills

Source : breakthroughbasketball

Two Ball Ladder Drills are an advanced basketball dribbling exercise designed to elevate ball-handling skills and coordination.

In this challenging drill, players simultaneously dribble two basketballs while moving through an agility ladder.

This exercise demands heightened hand-eye coordination and ambidexterity, forcing athletes to control both balls independently.

The intricate footwork required in navigating the ladder enhances agility and quick directional changes.

12. Pullback Crossover Dribble Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

The Pullback Crossover Dribble Drill is an essential basketball training exercise designed to elevate your game by enhancing ball-handling skills and agility.

This dynamic drill combines the fundamental crossover dribble with a pullback move, offering a powerful tool all positions for breaking down defenses and creating scoring opportunities.

To perform the drill, start with a controlled dribble, execute a quick crossover, and then seamlessly transition into a pullback motion, creating separation from defenders.

13. Dribble Tag

Source : pinterest

Dribble tag is a fun and effective basketball drill that can help you improve your dribbling skills in a game-like setting.

It is a great way to work on your ball handling, agility, and decision-making, all while getting some exercise.

This drill combines the elements of traditional tag with fundamental dribbling techniques, creating an exciting yet challenging exercise.

Participants dribble the basketball while attempting to evade defenders who aim to tag them.

14. Inside, Out & Go

Source : online-basketball-drills

Inside, Out & Go is a classic move that combines deception and explosiveness. To execute, start a few feet behind the three-point line, dribbling strong with your right hand.

Fake a crossover by taking the ball "inside" towards your left, then explosively bring it back "out" to your right with a powerful palm pound.

Drive hard towards the hoop, using the momentum from the dribble change to blow past defenders and finish strong with a layup or pull up for a jump shot.

15. Triangle Flip Flop Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

The Triangle Flip Flop is a deceptively simple dribbling drill that packs a powerful punch when it comes to improving your footwork and ball handling.

This drill challenges you to coordinate your hands and feet in a rhythmic pattern, as you dribble, flip, and flop the ball around your body in a triangular motion.

It requires dribbling one ball in front with the dominant hand and flipping the other ball behind the back with the other hand.

16. Spin and Go

Source : online-basketball-drills

Spin and Go is a dynamic combo that blends power dribbles with smooth pivots, leaving defenders grasping at air while you paint the lane.

Start with a strong drive, plant your foot opposite the direction you want to spin, and pivot 180 degrees.

As you spin, dribble the ball once to your dominant hand, then explode towards the basket.

17. Gears - Change of Speed

Source : breakthroughbasketball

Gears - Change of Speed Dribbling is a fundamental basketball drill designed to enhance a player's agility and maneuverability on the court.

This dynamic exercise focuses on quick changes in dribbling speed, an essential skill in outmaneuvering defenders and creating scoring opportunities.

Athletes practicing this drill learn to shift effortlessly between high-speed bursts and controlled, deliberate movements, emulating the unpredictability needed in basketball.

18. Jersey Skid Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

Unlike traditional dribbling, the Jersey Skid emphasizes a low, skimming motion where the ball barely leaves the court.

This minimizes bounce height, making it harder for defenders to steal and keeping the ball closer to your body for tighter control.

Stand with a wide stance and knees slightly bent and dribble the ball low in front of your body, using a light touch with your fingertips to execute the drill.

19. Front Yo-Yo Dribble

Source : online-basketball-drills

The front yo-yo dribble is a fundamental basketball dribbling move that can help you improve your ball handling, create space, and beat defenders.

It is essentially a crossover dribble that is done in front of your body, hence the name "front yo-yo."

To execute the drill, start with your dominant hand on the ball and your feet shoulder-width apart.

Then, dribble the ball out in front of your body, moving it back and forth in a controlled yo-yo motion.

20. Full-Court Dribbling Drill

Source : pinterest

The Full-Court Dribbling Drill is a fundamental basketball exercise designed to elevate your on-court skills.

This dynamic drill spans the entire length of the basketball court, requiring players to showcase their dribbling proficiency in a real-game scenario.

Players start from one baseline, navigating the entire court while dribbling the ball at each cone until half-court, followed by sprint dribble to the next cone.

21. Zig Zag Dribble Drill

Source : online-basketball-drills

The zig zag dribble drill is a classic basketball footwork and ball-handling exercise that can be adapted to all skill levels.

In this drill, players navigate through a series of cones arranged in a zig-zag pattern, requiring quick changes of direction and precise dribbling control.

By practicing the Zig-Zag Dribble, athletes develop the ability to maneuver through tight spaces, crucial for evading defenders during game situations.

This drill emphasizes coordination, balance, and improved lateral movement, essential components for any proficient basketball player like God Shammgod.